It is better to be approximately right than precisely wrong: Warren Buffet Introduction Based on the result of the examination, parents discuss with the child and decide for which subject the child needs additional support (tuition!). Based on the TRP rating (although flawed!), advertisers choose their future investment. Angel investors invest in startups based on their business plan (although the success rate is around 10%!). Does it mean only ‘evidence-based
Strive for continuous improvement rather perfection: Kim Collins Introduction Many years back, computer hardware was equivalent to the size of the room. With time, its size is reducing and its features are improving. Now a SmartWatch also performs many functions of a traditional computer. Similarly, a few decades back, when we need to make a telephone call to another country, it seems to be a herculean task in terms of
We should work on the process, not on the outcome of our process: W Edward Deming     Introduction When a girl and boy meet for the first time, if they like each other, they prefer to spend more time to understand. Once they feel confident about their relationship, they can decide to live together and share their decision with their respective parents. If they too agree, they can go ahead with
When people are financially invested, they want their return; when people are emotionally invested, they want to contribute- Simon Sinek Introduction An idle mind is the devil’s workshop. Parents generally engage their children by offering an incentive for completing a particular activity like getting a certain percentage of marks or linking some reward with birthday. A mother expects acknowledgement for preparing the delicious food from their family. The sole objective
A leader is the one who knows the ways, goes the way and shows the way: John C. Maxwell Introduction There are 2 schools of thoughts. Some say, ‘the leaders are born and are not made.’ Many other (Vince Lombardi) says ‘Leaders are made, they are not born.’ But in both cases, the expectation of qualities from them remains the same. It also depends, how these leaders are using their