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Story: Man, Forest and Wish Tree (Source: Internet) A man was passing through a forest and lost his way. After wandering for hours in search of the right path, he surrendered his fate to God and decided to rest under a HUGE tree. Hungry and exhausted, he thought, “Can I get some food to eat in this forest?” Unbeknownst to him, he was sitting under a WISH tree, which could
“We never know the worth of water till the well is dry. – Thomas Fuller, 1732 Introduction When a girl goes out on a date, the boy’s responsibility isn’t fulfilled until she safely reaches her home. Similarly, when we host a party at a public venue, our duty extends beyond enjoying the event—it includes leaving the place in the same condition as we found it. In schools or colleges, a
Story: Father, Son and Mountain (Source: Internet) This is the story of a father and his young son walking through the mountains. Suddenly, the son fell, hurting his leg on a rock. He screamed, “AAhhhh!” To his surprise, he heard a voice respond, “AAhhhh!” Curious, he yelled, “Who are you?” Back came the same words: “Who are you?” Puzzled by these responses, he shouted, “Coward!” The same word echoed back:
“The activist is not the man who says the river is dirty. The activist is the man who cleans up the river.” – Ross Perot Introduction Some individuals dedicate their lives to uplifting others, leaving a legacy that inspires generations—Mahatma Gandhi, for instance, whose selfless actions continue to resonate long after his passing. In stark contrast, others live solely for themselves, driven by personal gain and selfish motives. They may
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”: – Unknown Story: The Brick That Taught a Lesson (Source: Internet) A successful young executive was driving his brand-new Jaguar down a neighbourhood street when he noticed a child darting between parked cars. Slowing down slightly, he suddenly heard a loud thud—a brick smashing into his car’s door. Furious, he slammed on the