There is a difference between giving up and knowing when enough is enough: Unknown   Introduction There can always be a difference of opinion. There can always be contrasting thought in the way in which we want to reach a particular destination. There can always be divergent strategies to achieve a particular goal. The most important thing is our intentions. As long as our intentions are correct, in spite
The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a man’s determination: Tommy Lasorda  Introduction We are only concerned about our wellbeing, which generally includes our immediate family. At times, we fail to recognize that there are many important stakeholders which are equally crucial for our happiness like maids, security guards, vendors etc. Without them, our routine life is incomplete and strenuous. Once we start considering these associates as
It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept and celebrate those differences: Audre Lorde Introduction Is there any difference between ‘advice and advise’ or ‘principle and principal’ or ‘there and their’? Although the spelling seems to be similar, each word has its unique meaning, purpose and intent. The understanding of the differences brings us closer to the fact. Objective For any organization, both
Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do: Potter Stewart Introduction In all organization, the policy of ‘Carrot and Stick’  is followed. Both ‘Carrot and Stick’ have their specific purpose and are used in tandem. At homes too, parents use this policy judiciously to manage their teenage children. For ages, politicians are masters in using this policy effectively. Objective
I am not interested in knowing the difference between good and bad. I am interested in knowing the difference between good and great: Aaron Sorkin Introduction In the novel ‘The Comedy of Error’ by William Shakespeare, two twin characters create mistaken identity and Humour for the readers. In many movies, the twin characters create confusion and comedy. Something similar happens in real life too, when we fail to realize the