PDCA Cycle : Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI): ISO 30415: 2021

No culture can live, if it attempts to be exclusive.” ― Mahatma Gandhi


We are born with different talents. Some people pick new languages easily, some people have a good knack for mathematics, some people can talk to strangers comfortably, some have inborn leadership qualities, some are afraid of swimming and many can die when they just think about public speaking.

Does It make anyone smarter than others? The answer is No. The more diverse we are, the better society we can create.  

Read More: https://bit.ly/AuditingPrinciplesISO19011

Content: ISO 30415: 2021: PDCA Cycle: Diversity and Inclusion

  1. What is the PDCA cycle linked with Impact, Actions, Measures and Outcomes?
  2. Explanation of each Step
  3. What it is important?
  4. Conclusion


As per ISO 30415: 2021 standard, developing an inclusive workplace requires an ongoing commitment to diversity and inclusion (D&I) to address inequalities in organizational systems, policies, processes and practices, as well as people’s conscious and unconscious biases and behaviours.

Diversity and Inclusion are important for various reasons, both personal and societal. It strengthens relationships, reduces prejudice and discrimination and leads to greater economic prosperity and a more just and equitable society.

Once you go through the article, you will understand the PDCA cycle and its linkage with Impact, Actions, Measures and Outcomes and its key purpose.

Read More: https://bit.ly/DiversityEquityEnclusion

Definition: ISO 30415: 2021

Diversity (3.7): Characteristics of differences and similarities between people. Diversity includes factors that influence the identities and perspectives that people bring when interacting at work.

Employee Resource Group- ERG (3.8): People with shared demographic and other diversity dimensions, and their allies. An ERG generally consists of people who join together in a network to share experiences and beliefs, and to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Equality (3.9): State of being equal, especially in status, rights, opportunities or outcomes.

Equity (3.10): Principle that policies, processes and practices should be fairly applied and individual needs recognized.

Inclusion (3.12): Practice of including all stakeholders in organizational contexts.

Voice (3.19): Way people communicate their views and influence matters that affect them.

Read More: https://bit.ly/ISO9004Standard

Detailed Information

According to Deloitte, diverse companies enjoy 2.3 times higher cash flow per employee and Gartner found that inclusive teams improve team performance by up to 30 percent in high-diversity environments. Yet only 40 percent of employees agree that their manager fosters an inclusive environment!

As per the studies, a strong relationship exists between business performance and diversity. Organizations that have greater access to talent and increased employee engagement contribute to this performance effect. When the top management of the organization starts looking at DEI as a business case, the implementation will increase in a real sense.

The standard is relevant to the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

  • (5) Gender Equality
  • (8) Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • (9) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  • (10) Reduced Inequality.

Read More: https://bit.ly/ISO9000Standard

ISO 30415 supports organizations to include D&I in their workplaces by providing guidance and methods on:

  • prerequisites for demonstrating an ongoing commitment to D&I
  • accountabilities and responsibilities for D&I
  • approaches to valuing diversity and fostering the development of an inclusive workplace; and
  • identifying D&I objectives, opportunities and risks, actions, measures, outcomes and impacts.

By understanding the relationship between the PDCA cycle and its Impact, Actions, Measures and Outcomes, organizations can effectively implement the essence of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in their organization.

Set diversity and inclusion goals and objectives by leveraging diversity through inclusiveness
  • Increased Innovation: Diverse teams bring different perspectives and experiences, leading to more creative solutions and interesting ideas.
  • Enhanced Employee Engagement: When people feel seen, heard, and valued, they’re more invested in their work, leading to higher productivity and employee retention.
  • Improved Reputation and Brand Image: A diverse and inclusive workplace attracts top talent and builds trust with customers, giving a competitive edge to the brand.
  • Stronger Financial Performance: Studies show that companies with diverse workforces outperform their less diverse counterparts, boosting the bottom line (profitability). A Study from McKinsey & Company found that organizations with gender-diverse executive teams were 25% more likely to outperform on profitability. In comparison, those with ethnically and culturally diverse executive teams were 36% more likely to achieve above-average profitability.


Implement initiatives and actions to achieve organizational goals
  • Representation: Track the diversity of the workforce across different demographics such as gender, race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation.
  • Inclusion: Measure employee engagement, satisfaction, and sense of belonging to assess how effectively the organization is creating an inclusive environment.
  • Fairness: Analyze data on recruitment, promotions, and compensation to ensure equitable opportunities for all employees.
  • Leadership: Evaluate the commitment and engagement of the leadership team in promoting D&I initiatives.


Identify Measures for assessing the effectiveness of the D&I Actions to address D&I risks, opportunities, impacts and outcomes.


·       Analyze the D & I Initiatives.

·       Interpret it to understand its understanding and effectiveness.

·       Based on the measurement, further actions can be planned. Whether the D & I initiatives are creating an imbalance in the organization, whether it is just propaganda or a real benefit to the organization, and whether it is helping the organization to grow financially.

·       Track trends over time

·       Identify areas for improvement.

·       Adjust strategies accordingly.


Identify diversity and inclusion (D&I) Actions which can lead to the desired outcomes.



  • A more Diverse and Inclusive Workforce: The talent pool should expand, reflecting the richness of the communities, culture, and nationality.
  • A more Innovative and Engaged Workforce: The employees should be more motivated, satisfied, and eager to contribute their unique/untapped talents.
  • A Stronger Reputation and Brand Image: The organization should be recognized as a leader in D&I, attracting top talent and customers alike.

·       Sustainable Business Success: By harnessing the power of diversity, the organization should be better equipped to adapt and thrive in today’s ever-changing business landscape.

Read More: https://bit.ly/ISOTS9002


In the 21st century, leaders have no choice but to adopt diversity and inclusion to its core. With the surge in understanding and implementing the principles of DEI in true essence, the results will be more dynamic and fruitful. The latest research has shown many benefits of a diverse and inclusive workplace:

  • Higher revenue growth
  • Grater readiness to innovate.
  • Improved global image and license to operate.
  • Higher employee retention

Read More: https://bit.ly/ISO19011-2018Auditing


ISO 30415: 2021

ISO 30408: 2016: HRM: Guidelines on Human Governance

ISO 30400: 2022: HRM: Vocabulary

Industry Experts


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