Tag: special cause

  • SPC: Difference Between Cpk and Ppk

    SPC: Difference Between Cpk and Ppk

    “All differences in this world are of degree, and not of kind because oneness is the secret of everything”. Swami Vivekananda Introduction When boys and girls are dating each other, they put in their best. It could be dress, manners or being on time. As time passes and they become life partners, things start changing.…

  • SPC: Graphical Interpretation of Control Chart (Mean and Range)

    “It is the mark of a truly intelligent person to be moved by statistics.” — George Bernard Shaw Introduction Graphs are widely used tools in trading and investing to quickly see the past performance of the stock, the highs, the lows, trends, moving averages, trading volume, and much more. These graphs are the ‘footprint of…

  • What is the key difference between Common and Special Cause?

    What is the key difference between Common and Special Cause?

    The difference between successful people and others is how long they spend time feeling sorry for themselves: Barbara Corcoran Introduction There is a distinct difference between reality and illusion. Reality is a fact like Sunrises from the east and sets in the west direction. The illusion is an imaginary thing that trees are also running…

  • What is the key difference between Cp and Cpk?

    What is the key difference between Cp and Cpk?

    There is a big difference between giving up and knowing when enough is enough: Unknown Introduction There is a subtle but key difference between belief and trust. When we have a belief in someone like God, it means we know something about it but we may not have practised it or realized it. But, when…