Tag: repeatability & reproducibility

  • EPR – Extended Producer Responsibility

    EPR – Extended Producer Responsibility

    “We never know the worth of water till the well is dry. – Thomas Fuller, 1732 Introduction When a girl goes out on a date, the boy’s responsibility isn’t fulfilled until she safely reaches her home. Similarly, when we host a party at a public venue, our duty extends beyond enjoying the event—it includes leaving…

  • Difference Between Cradle to Cradle (C2C) and Cradle to Grave (C2G)

    Difference Between Cradle to Cradle (C2C) and Cradle to Grave (C2G)

    “The activist is not the man who says the river is dirty. The activist is the man who cleans up the river.” – Ross Perot Introduction Some individuals dedicate their lives to uplifting others, leaving a legacy that inspires generations—Mahatma Gandhi, for instance, whose selfless actions continue to resonate long after his passing. In stark…

  • Life Cycle Assessment

    Life Cycle Assessment

    “The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.” – Robert Swan Introduction In Hindu tradition, life is divided into four stages, known as the Ashramas. These stages are designed to provide a framework for living a meaningful and balanced life, addressing spiritual, personal, and societal responsibilities. The four…

  • “Shaping a Sustainable Future: The Synergy Between Circular Economy and SDGs”

    “Shaping a Sustainable Future: The Synergy Between Circular Economy and SDGs”

    “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” – Peter Drucker Introduction Everything is interrelated and linked with each other. The Sun plays a key role in the hydrological cycle, constantly evaporating water into the atmosphere. Some of that water is returned as rain, snow and dew. Part of this precipitation rapidly…

  • Understanding the 17 Sustainable Development Goals: A Roadmap to a Sustainable Future

    Understanding the 17 Sustainable Development Goals: A Roadmap to a Sustainable Future

    “Sustainable development is the peace policy of the future.” – Dr Klaus Topfer Introduction We drink RO (Reverse Osmosis) water because it provides a highly purified form of water, removing contaminants and impurities that might be present in tap or untreated water. However, the sustainability of RO systems is a growing concern, especially in the…