Tag: attribute
Attribute MSA Study
“Without data, you are just another person with an opinion” ― W. Edwards Deming Introduction Why does it happen that every day the taste of tea is different although the ingredients and the person who is preparing is the same? How does it happen that students are taught by the same teacher but still the results…
What is the key difference between the Different Attribute Control Chart (p, np, c, u)?
There’s a difference between being liked and being valued. A lot of people like you. Not many value you. Be Valued.: Unknown Introduction If the difference of opinion is always bad? It depends upon the situation. In some scenarios, it may result in conflict and delay the decision-making process. But, on the other side, it…
What is the key difference between the Variable and Attribute Control Chart?
The difference between you and God is that You have forgotten that YOU are divine: Unknown Introduction There is a difference between a fact and a story. Many times, we entangle ourselves so much into the story that we fail to see the real issue. Like during COVID Pandemic, we are so much enamored…
What is the key difference between Variable and Attribute MSA Study?
Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do: Potter Stewart Introduction In all organization, the policy of ‘Carrot and Stick’ is followed. Both ‘Carrot and Stick’ have their specific purpose and are used in tandem. At homes too, parents use this policy judiciously to…
What is the key difference between Type I and Type II Error (MSA)?
I am not interested in knowing the difference between good and bad. I am interested in knowing the difference between good and great: Aaron Sorkin Introduction In the novel ‘The Comedy of Error’ by William Shakespeare, two twin characters create mistaken identity and Humour for the readers. In many movies, the twin characters create confusion…