Tag: solutions
Disposition of Non-Conforming Products
“I only feel angry when I see waste. When I see people throwing away things we could use” – Mother Teresa Introduction During the festival season, we prefer to clean our house more intensely. While doing so, we find many things which missed our attention but are useful, we also find unproductive things and need…
Difference Between Deviation and Concession
“The best ideas emerge when very different perspectives meet” – Frans Johansson Introduction Most successful people do not follow a linear path in life. They set big goals (and often achieve them) but they also aren’t afraid to change their minds and amend their goals. Yes, if you believe in something, you should pursue it…
FMEA-2019: Action Priority (AP)
“Action is the antidote to despair” – Joan Baez Introduction As per Pareto’s Principle (Vital Few, Trivial Many), 80% of the contribution is by 20% people/effort and the remaining 20% of the result is contributed by the balance 80% of the people/effort. Objective To do FMEA efficiently and effectively, prioritization is very important. Action Priority…
FMEA-2019: Challenges, Causes, Solutions
“Take a risk in your life” If you win, you can lead; If you lose, you can guide – Swami Vivekanand Introduction Life is full of its ups and downs. One day, you may feel like you have it all figured out. Then, at a moment’s notice, you’ve been thrown a curveball. You’re not alone…