Tag: #dfmea

  • Problem Solving Technique: Step 2-Correction, Containment, Interim Action

    Problem Solving Technique: Step 2-Correction, Containment, Interim Action

    “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” – Martin Luther King Jr Introduction Imagine you are going in a cab. One of the back wheel Tyre gets punctured. It is already getting late for…

  • What is Poison Test for Inspectors

    What is Poison Test for Inspectors

    “Quality does not come from inspection but improvement of the production process” — W Edwards Deming        Introduction When the Devas and Asuras started the Samudra Manthan (Churning of the ocean for the celestial nectar), before the precious gems and Amrit, foremost the poison oozed out of the ocean. The poison was so dangerous and powerful,…

  • What is Causal Factors

    What is Causal Factors

    “ For every effect, there is the root cause. Find and address the root cause rather than try to fix the effect as there is no end to the latter” — Celestine Chua           Introduction Some studies have suggested that the average business professional spends 3 hours every week solving work-related problems! Problem-solving may unfold differently depending…

  • 7 Step Problem Solving Technique

    7 Step Problem Solving Technique

    “ A problem is a chance for you to do better” — Duke Ellington Introduction We generally pray to God not to give any problem but problems are part and parcel of our lives. Instead, we can pray to God to give us the strength and patience to deal with any challenges in our professional…

  • Problem Solving Technique: Step 7- Documentation, Lesson Learned and Promotion (Corrective Action)

    Problem Solving Technique: Step 7- Documentation, Lesson Learned and Promotion (Corrective Action)

    “ Incorrect documentation is often worse than no documentation” — Bertrand Meyer Introduction We all try to work each day from the premise that we are doing our best. However, sometimes, for reasons out of our control, we don’t get the best result. Like we forget to inspect our vehicle for the pollution check or…