
“In our pursuit of success, we often forget that learning isn’t just about acquiring new knowledge; it’s about unlearning old ways that no longer serve us. The Zen story below beautifully illustrates this concept…” Story: Zen, Professor, and Tea (Source: Internet: Zen Flesh and Bones: A collection of Zen and pre-Zen writings) This is a story about a Zen master and a very successful professor. The professor wanted to understand
“Waste is Design Flaw”: Sophie Thomas Introduction Life is a remarkable journey, filled with myriad experiences, emotions, and lessons.  One of the fundamental truths about life is its impermanence. People come and go, circumstances change, and nothing remains the same forever. Instead of resisting this impermanence, we can learn to embrace it. By acknowledging the transitory nature of life, we become more adaptable and open to new possibilities.      Content:
Story: Man, Neighbour, and Saint (Source: Internet) In a village, a man had been troubled by his neighbour for a long time. He was distraught with him. One day, a saint came to the village. The man went to him, shared all his problems with his neighbour, and said, “Baba, it has been a long time since my neighbour started troubling me. Today, I will kill him, and I’m telling
“Every day is Earth Day”: Unknown Introduction When a new shirt is purchased, it is used at the marriage party. After using it effectively, it is generally worn when a person is going to the nearby market. Later on, it is worn in the night. Once it is not for use, it is either gifted to a needy person or worn during the Holi festival. This concept is common in
Story: Mahatma Buddha, King and Beggar (Source: Internet) One day a king invited the Buddha and his monks for lunch. On their way to the palace, they passed a beggar in the street. The beggar smiled enthusiastically as they passed by, praising the king for his success and the palace’s beauty. The king served everyone a wonderful meal with many courses when they arrived at the palace. After the meal,