“A goal is not always meant to be reached; it often serves simply as something to aim at.” –Bruce Lee Introduction There is always a reason why we do anything. When we choose to eat sweets even though we are planning to reduce weight, there is a certain Why for it. When we wake up early in the morning to do yoga and meditation, there is a Why for it.
Story: The Old Lady (Source: Google) A lady who was over 90 years old, had a great flair towards dressing up well, applying makeup and arranging her hair in beautiful patterns. She and her husband had been married to each other for 70 years. After the departure of her beloved partner, having no children and no one in the family to care for her, She decided to move to a
“It is the mark of a truly intelligent person to be moved by statistics.” — George Bernard Shaw Introduction Graphs are widely used tools in trading and investing to quickly see the past performance of the stock, the highs, the lows, trends, moving averages, trading volume, and much more. These graphs are the ‘footprint of money.’ One thing to always remember is that the charts don’t lie. The charts represent
“You have to be odd to be number one.” — Dr Seuss Introduction Chinese whispers is an internationally popular game in which messages are whispered from person to person and then the original and final messages are compared. This sequential modification of information is called transmission chaining in the context of cultural evolution research and is primarily used to identify the type of information that is more easily passed on from one person to another.
Story: Zen Master, Host and Earthquake (Source: Google Baba) A Zen Master and a few friends had gathered and they were eating and talking when suddenly there was an earthquake. The building that they were sitting in was a seven-story building, and they were on the seventh story so life was in danger. Everybody tried to escape. The host, running by, looked to see what had happened to the master.