Tag: iso 9001

  • Difference Between CR (Customer Requirements) and CSR (Customer Specific Requirements)

    Difference Between CR (Customer Requirements) and CSR (Customer Specific Requirements)

    “It’s not the customer’s job to know what they want.” – Steve Jobs Introduction People do have a difference of opinion and it is possible & logical. But when people have negativity about the other person, then it is not fruitful and healthy. Difference of opinion means that two individuals have their perspective about a…

  • What is the key difference between Responsibility and Authority?

    What is the key difference between Responsibility and Authority?

    The difference between Genius and Stupidity is that Genius has its limits: Unknown Introduction In politics, we are Responsible for choosing the candidate but Authority for any decision (for our wellbeing) lies with that candidate whom we have chosen! Till the next election, we keep on thinking about whether we acted responsibly as many elected…

  • What is the key difference between Calibration and Verification?

    What is the key difference between Calibration and Verification?

    It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept and celebrate those differences: Audre Lorde Introduction Is there any difference between ‘advice and advise’ or ‘principle and principal’ or ‘there and their’? Although the spelling seems to be similar, each word has its unique meaning, purpose and intent. The…

  • What is the Difference between Product Audit and Layout Inspection?

    What is the Difference between Product Audit and Layout Inspection?

    Strength lies in differences and not in similarity: Stephen Covey Introduction Do we know the difference between Uttarayan (Summer Solstice) and Dakshinayan (Winter Solstice)? Do we know who rotates around whom (Earth, Sun and Moon)? Do we know who is more powerful in the relationship (Husband or Wife)? Even though there are distinct differences but…

  • Difference between Audit and Inspection

    Difference between Audit and Inspection

    Each one of us can make a difference. Together we make a change: Barbara Mikulski Introduction Husband and wife have a difference of opinion. Parent and child have a generation gap. Employer and employee see things from a different perspective. We individuals have different viewpoint for the same situation as New Year resolution. But we…