“The activist is not the man who says the river is dirty. The activist is the man who cleans up the river.” – Ross Perot Introduction Some individuals dedicate their lives to uplifting others, leaving a legacy that inspires generations—Mahatma Gandhi, for instance, whose selfless actions continue to resonate long after his passing. In stark contrast, others live solely for themselves, driven by personal gain and selfish motives. They may
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”: – Unknown Story: The Brick That Taught a Lesson (Source: Internet) A successful young executive was driving his brand-new Jaguar down a neighbourhood street when he noticed a child darting between parked cars. Slowing down slightly, he suddenly heard a loud thud—a brick smashing into his car’s door. Furious, he slammed on the
“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.” – Robert Swan Introduction In Hindu tradition, life is divided into four stages, known as the Ashramas. These stages are designed to provide a framework for living a meaningful and balanced life, addressing spiritual, personal, and societal responsibilities. The four stages are Brahmacharya (The Student Stage), Grihastha (The Householder Stage), Vanaprastha (The Hermit or Forest-Dweller
“When you do your best, angels can do no better.”: – Norman Vincent Peale Introduction Our belief in our abilities can shape our lives. When we tell ourselves, “I can do it,” we unlock the power of our minds to overcome challenges. This article explores how self-belief, combined with actionable strategies, can help us achieve our goals. Story: Shark Bait (Source: Internet: Written by Marc Chernoff) A marine biologist experimented with a
“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” – Peter Drucker Introduction Everything is interrelated and linked with each other. The Sun plays a key role in the hydrological cycle, constantly evaporating water into the atmosphere. Some of that water is returned as rain, snow and dew. Part of this precipitation rapidly evaporates back into the atmosphere. Some drains into lakes and rivers to commence a journey